
The new Memory branding, behind the scene

The Genesis of the Project

The new Memory branding, behind the scene

I met Alexis a few months ago when he needed to align the brand's design with its evolution. Memory was created with a logo 5 years ago that had not evolved since. For a very simple reason: the priority was to solidify the business. No in-house designer and no particular attention to design. They needed a tool that worked above all.

With the success of the platform came the need to assert Memory's identity and leadership. Creating a new design became an essential challenge to give momentum to the brand and accompany a significant acceleration in the business.

Founders of Memory

The Worksite!

I was starting with a logo that had long served its purpose and consisted mainly of integrating a histogram into the E of Memory to signify that the company was working around data. With classic performance colors: green, yellow, red.

Old vs New logo of Memory

My goal was to create an emblem with as much potential for interpretation as the values and expertise carried by Memory.

I first worked on the design of the M of Memory that I wanted central. It evokes a diagram and therefore the performance of our tools but also the dynamic evolution of Memory.

Thanks to the simplicity of the monogram in reserve on a black background, I was able to enrich the symbol.

M for Memory Symbol

The idea of what we call "post-its" today came from the memory game "Simon" that I loved to play when I was a kid.
It's a nod to the company name, of course, but it allows me to evoke several essential notions at Memory: the richness of the expertise developed for our clients and the simplicity of using our tools (almost as easy as the Simon game!) despite the complexity of what the Tech & Data teams produce!

New Memory branding

As for the colors, I wanted colors close to primary colors but more "consumer-friendly": an electric blue, a warm yellow, and an orangish red. Softened by a comforting pink. The idea was to absolutely get away from the too classic colors of performance or sanitized corporate tools without flavor.

Colors of Memory

Codes to Play with According to Desires

I made sure to create a graphic territory whose cursor can adapt depending on the media and different types of speech.
Sobriety and refinement on very business speeches, playing on the accumulation of post-its or integrating pictograms within catchphrases for marketing arguments. With a focus on proprietary visuals and illustrations (thanks to Gaëtan Heuzé for his contribution!) to embody the brand as much as possible (and avoid stock images at all costs!).

Solution for retailers by Memory

The Next Steps

Now that the identity has been deployed on our site, we have initiated the work of revamping the platform.

The challenge here will be to apply our identity to a tool where the user experience is paramount: simplicity, ergonomics, understanding above all! I am therefore working on a design system to bring consistency to our graphic codes, efficiency, and fluidity of collaboration with Product and Tech teams.

This is only the beginning, but I hope that this branding work will elevate the brand as high as its ambitions. That's the goal, anyway!

Thanks to Alexis, Maxime, Audrey, and the entire team for their trust despite the upheavals I may have created during these few months!

Translated with Linguana