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Salesforce Effectiveness

*Introducing the Captana x Memory Product* Computer vision offers significant advantages to the food retail sector. This technology uses algorithms and machine learning models to analyze and interpret images and videos, enabling smarter decision-making and improving operational efficiency.

Salesforce Effectiveness
Salesforce Effectiveness

This technology uses algorithms and machine learning models to analyze and interpret images and videos, enabling smarter decision-making and improving operational efficiency.

Here are some areas that illustrate this point:

Inventory Optimization

Inventory Optimization

Computer vision can automate real-time inventory monitoring, automatically signaling stockouts by analyzing shelves, minimizing sales losses, and improving inventory management.

Expiration Date Management

Expiration Date Management

By identifying products approaching expiration, computer vision helps retailers reduce food waste by removing items from sale before becoming obsolete.


Customer Behavior Analysis

Computer vision can track customer movements in the store, identify high-traffic areas, and adjust store layout for an optimal customer experience.

Customer Behavior Analysis

Price Optimization

Computer vision can analyze real-time competition and help retailers adjust prices to remain competitive.

This technology, powered by Captana - SES Imagotag and associated with Memory, goes further by:

  • Identifying stockouts
  • Quantifying shifts to other aisle references through loyalty card data analysis
  • Anticipating potential stockouts

The goal is to capitalize on reliable and complementary data.

Price Optimization

In summary, computer vision coupled with Memory's solutions provides powerful tools for improving inventory management, customer experience, and revenue optimization in the food retail sector. By intelligently using this technology, players in the food retail industry can not only optimize their operations but also better meet the needs of their customers, resulting in increased efficiency and greater customer satisfaction.